PTFE recycle powder making machine for PTFE rod, with hydraulic ram extrusion machine. Feeding the recycle powder to the tools, and making PTFE rod.
Advantage of Automatic PTFE Ram Extrusion Machine
- With full cover, make sure no pollution of the raw material, make the PTFE rod is clean
- Special desgin for feeding plate, each time stop in the same place make sure the powder feeding weight is the same
- One person can take in charge for 10-15 set machine in one shift
- Easy Install and remove the mould
- All control in touch scree, easy for opearation
- 24 Hours working, make more production capacity
- Mould use 316L stainless steel material, make sure, the surfure always is smooth
- Use PLC and touch screen to control the syste
- Easy mantance
- Provide 24 hours after-seriv
- Can suit for both recyle and virgin presintered powder

ptfe rod ram extruder for recycle ptfe presinterd powder
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